"A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step."~Confucius
This begins my first of a thousand, or maybe ten thousand steps. I have run from my life’s calling enough. It is now time to begin running towards it. Not that my life’s experiences have been bad, on the contrary they are magnificent. If anything though, they were not always intentional. Perhaps this is how it is suppose to be. How do you know what you want, if you have not experienced enough of what you do not want? I believe knowing what you want is very different than knowing what you don’t want. My journey includes discovering what I truly want, what my soul is called to be.
My intention here is to be open with you as I take this journey, knowing I will be judged. It’s ok, I have let go of my fear of judgment. As a wise man once told me, “What other people think of you is none of your business”. You do not have to agree with me. Your truth and my truth do not have to agree, and they still both can be truth. Your truth is welcome here! Ill share myself openly with you and you are invited to do the same. Part of my journey is fixing those things that I find fixable, like my weight. It’s more about claiming my body than it is about looking good for someone else, or because I “should do it”. It’s an integral and spiritual part of claiming my life, so it’ll be part of what I share.
I hope you enjoy the journey as much as I will. Please follow if you’re intrigued. Feel free to leave a comment or more if you are inspired. See you on the journey!
LOVE it!!!